In the last entry I introduced OR tracking systems. In this one, I would like to discuss the advantages offered by these systems over manual systems.
A major benefit of using tracking systems is that it helps with the predictability of patient flow. When downstream units can predict when patients are going to arrive, it is easier for them to ensure that a bed is available when the patient arrives. Units are also better able to match staff supply with demand.
A second advantage of using OR tracking systems is that less revenue is lost due to ORs that are unused. In manual systems, anesthesia prep units do not know that an OR is available as soon as it is turned over. With automated systems, said units can anticipate when an OR will become available and can send a patient to it before the OR is idle.
A third benefit of using patient tracking systems is that it allows for quick detection of “wrong patient-wrong procedure” events. An RFID system was tested to determine the speed of response to bringing the patient into a wrong OR. The process model and the information flow look like this:
When a patient is wheeled into the wrong OR, it takes 30 seconds on average for an alert to be displayed in that OR, and it takes about three and a half minutes on average for the system to send pager messages like the one below to the appropriate staff.
A fourth advantage of using OR tracking systems is that the precision of a patient’s whereabouts are significantly improved. In a study comparing the accuracy of an RFID system to manual recording, the average delay between an activity and its documentation was 80 seconds for the RFID system and 735 seconds for manual entry. The significantly improved precision offered by the RFID system no doubt would greatly improve the ability of downstream units to predict patient flow as well as save time wasted by healthcare professionals checking in on a patient that is no longer there.
Together, these advantages make a strong case for the use of patient tracking systems in OR suites.
Together, these advantages make a strong case for the use of patient tracking systems in OR suites.